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3 Ways You Can Find Your Center
3 Ways You Can Find Your Center
Have you ever wanted to improve, but weren’t quite sure where to begin? Becoming is quite the journey, so having simple steps to start is probably what’s best. Here are 3 ways you can find your center with Brooke Romney, writer, speaker, educator, and connector.
I had the chance to sit down with Brooke Romney and learn all about her book, “I Like Me Anyway: Embracing Imperfection, Connection, and Christ.” Brooke motivates you and gives you the tools you need to become the woman you were always meant to be. She does this all through her personal stories, life lessons, and inspiring words.
While Brooke has a lot to say about self-worth and being OK with who you are, we’ve narrowed it down to 3 ways you can find your center. Brooke believes we need to find our center before we can work on other things outside of ourselves. It may still be possible to work on those things, but it will definitely be a lot harder to accomplish.
3 Ways You Can Find Your Center
Way #1: Take time to self-reflect.
Taking time to self-reflect allows us to check in with ourselves–something we don’t do often enough in today’s busy world. When we take a quiet moment for ourselves throughout the day, it’s amazing the strength we feel after doing so.
One way we can check in with ourselves is to ask ourselves the following questions:
- What do you like to do?
- What are your talents?/What are you good at?
- What do you spend your free time doing or thinking about?
Asking yourself these types of questions also helps you instill a healthy level of self-worth. Also, remember that talent isn’t something you have to be the best at. And it isn’t something you compare to others. You can be talented at something while there are hundreds of others who are talented at the same thing. It doesn’t mean to stop practicing that talent, it only means to recognize your strength and happiness that comes from doing so.
Way #2: Find a healthy balance with social media.
There will always be different phases we enter in and out of with social media. Sometimes we will feel OK with following our dream fitness coach, home decorator, baker, or however it is for you. Other times, following those influencers will make you start to feel insecure.
Ask yourself, do you feel confident when looking at their pictures? Do you feel secure? If not, unfollow them. If you need to take a break from social media, that’s OK too. Just be sure to check in with yourself from time to time and know that you won’t always feel the same way about the same topic.
Overall, recognize what is and is not serving you. Be intentional about your social media intake and own your feelings in where they are right now.
Way #3: Embrace imperfection, connection, and Christ
“I Like Me Anyway” is a title that celebrates self-worth. It’s a title that embraces imperfection, connection, and Christ. Brooke has had many experiences that led her to writing this book. One of which she shared with me:
When I was a young mom, I lived near a friend who just loved life. She loved her kids, she loved where she lived, and it seemed like she loved all the hard things that come with life too. Not me. I remember asking her if she wanted to do a kid swap every once in a while. She said, “No, I’m OK. But your kids are more than welcome to come over.”
“What?” I said. “You don’t want to go grocery shopping without kids?” And she went on to say how it’s such an adventure and how she loves taking her kids shopping with her! She really changed my perspective on motherhood. And on womanhood.
I realized she wasn’t looking for any outside validation because she had it inside of her.
I want to be like that. I want to love life and invite others to love it with me. I want to be the woman who makes room for someone else in my circle. I want to bring all people in, even if they’re different. Because instead of feeling excluded that you’re different, you should feel so incredibly necessary.
I hope you feel peace using these 3 ways you can find your center. You can buy Brooke Romney’s book here. Follow her on Instagram @brookeromneywrites for tips on loving life as a woman and mother! You can follow me @cakebycourtney for cake tips and more!